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Lexington, MA 02420 Current Weather Conditions 
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Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00


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FAQs - 1
Why has precipitation been recorded on warm sunny days in the winter? Our rain guage is not heated and collects snow in the winter. When the temperature - or sunshine - melts the snow, the precipitation is recorded. Why does this station seem to record lower temperatures than the surrounding area? We're looking into this, but the extreme lows are within range of KBED - the official recording station in the area. Recently, we've been at the edge of a front, and some nearby stations are situated at higher altitudes in Arlington which were warmer. We'll be keeping a close eye on the instrument package to make sure it is accurate.... After a 2-year review, the temperature ranges seem to be within expected tolerances.

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Conditions at
10:10am on 4/19/24



Dew Point 40.5°F
Humidity 64%
Barometer 1019.41mb
Rate -0.184mb/hr
Wind Direction ESE
Heat Index 54.6°F
Rainfall for Today 0.00in
Total Rainfall 20.59in
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 52.4°F at 10:10am
Low Temperature 42.0°F at 6:24am
High Heat Index 54.7°F at 10:07am
Peak Wind Gust 9mph at 9:59am
Astronomical Data
Sunrise 5:55am
Sunset 7:30pm
Moonrise 3:27pm
Moonset 4:21am

Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00
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